SGTSG 2024 Armidale
Tectonics on the Tablelands
18–22 November 2024
Email questions: SGTSG2024@gmail.com

What is the SGTSG?
The Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology is a subdivision within the Geological Society of Australia, a non-profit organisation that promotes, advances and supports Earth Sciences in Australia. The GSA is a communication channel for Earth Scientists and a vehicle to help foster engagement with the wider public about the underpinning roles Earth Science plays in enabling a prosperous and sustainable society.
Geological Society of Australia membership is spread across government employees, academia, teachers and the private sector and the Society communicates geoscience research and knowledge via subscription-based peer-reviewed scientific journals, periodicals and special publications. Much of this information is freely available on the Geological Society of Australia website: https://www.gsa.org.au/
Earth Science is a very broad field and so much specialisation exists within it. The SGTSG caters for geologists and geophysicists who specialise in trying to understand the deformation history of rocks over millions of years and the relentless Earth deformation processes (for example the continent-collisions that result from plate tectonics).
Every two years, the SGTSG meets at a different location somewhere in Australia with good geology, food, accommodation, and community, to spend several days discussing how the Earth works and how the rocks beneath our feet evolved.
Why Armidale and the New England Tablelands in 2024?
Armidale is located in the heart of the New England Orogen, with a backyard of diverse geological environments, well situated to launch exciting field trips. The geological survey continues to update detailed mapping and regional geophysical data covering the orogen. The University of New England is turning 70 years old in 2024 and has a long history of training world-class geologists since the 1930s. The university will host the 2024 SGTSG field conference.
Early students working in the Petrology Laboratory and the first graduate class
1939 geology field vehicle