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SGTSG 2024 Armidale
Tectonics on the Tablelands
18–22 November 2024
Email questions:

Mid-conference field trip B – Wongwibinda
Leaders: Kim Jessop and Nathan Daczko
(included in registration)
[Download double-sided 1-page guide]
A highlight of the mid-conference field trip is a visit to the Permian low-P–High-T Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex, about 50km from Armidale. Explore rare exposures of intensely deformed and metamorphosed Carboniferous subduction accretion complex rocks and understand the significance of three varieties of Early Permian S-type granite, part of the Hillgrove Plutonic Suite.
Theme 1: a steep metamorphic field gradient – examine outcrops, hand samples and photomicrographs of
Biotite-grade laminated siltstone to silty lithic sandstone
Muscovite porphyroblastic schist
Cordierite porphyroblastic schist
Garnet-cordierite migmatitic schist

Theme 2: shear zones and collapse structures indicative of melt migration pathways – examine outcrops, hand samples and photomicrographs of
Pseuo-boudinage, trapped feldspars and collapse structures that formed during melt escape

Theme 3: varieties of S-type granite – examine outcrops, hand samples, photomicrographs and the geochemistry of
Biotite granodiorite
Two-mica monzogranite
Garnet leucogranite

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